A VSU student is the winner of scientific contest


An open competition of research papers for undergraduate and postgraduate students named after V. V. Novozhilov was held as part of the II National Conference “Clusterization of the digital economy: global challenges” INPROM-2020, organized by Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The jury of the competition reviewed the students’ papers and summed up the results of the contest in three areas – “Digital economy”, “Economics and management”, “Innovation clusters”.

Irina Chernat, a sophomore at the Institute of Management, Economics and Law of Vologda State University, won the 1st prize in “Economics and management”. Irina presented her research paper “Methods for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative projects in the context of individual entrepreneurship”.

The research supervisor of the student is Alexander Borisov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the Department of Regional Economics at VSU.