According to the editor-in-chief, Professor Vasily Sablin, the content of the new issue corresponds to the current structure of the journal. The publication is preceded by the editor-in-chief’s article on historical and philological research at Vologda Pedagogical Institute before and during the great Patriotic war.
The section “Historical Sciences” contains articles on the legacy of the Roman writer of the reign of Emperor Tiberius-Valery Maxim, the early Christian philosopher Justin the Great (Justin Martyr), the peculiarities of household ownership in Vologda in the XV-early XVIII centuries, the history of Russian diplomacy of the XVII century, source studies of the XX century, etc.
The section “Literary Studies” continues a series of publications combined in the column “Literary Vologda today”. The article analyzes the five-year anniversary of the series “Volume of writers”, which contains an anthology of the modern-day Vologda literature. A number of articles deals with Bella Akhmadulina’s works and the hagiography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s short story “Matrenin’s yard”.
The Editorial Board of the journal believes that the relevance of the scientific problems will increase the interest of readers in the journal and reminds that articles for future issues can be e-mailed to:
Series “Historical and philological Sciences” —
Series “Technical Sciences” —