VSU is among the “Best universities in Russia-2020”


The rating of the Russian universities “National Recognition” has been published. Among 639 universities, Vologda State University takes the 157th position, having moved up one position over the past year.

The basic principle of the “National Recognition” rating is the evaluation of the university through its personnel – professors, lecturers, etc., those who consider this university their main place of work.

Other principles the rating is based on include the list of individuals whose scientific publications are indexed in eLibrary.RU-Scientific Electronic Library and included in the Russian Science Citation Index as well as the total number of points gained by the university in all subjects in which it works.

Within the rating, all 639 universities are divided into groups:

Best universities,

Universities above the national average,

Universities below the national average,

Weak universities.

You can find more information at https://univer.expert/akademicheskiye-reytingi-vuzov-2020/obshchiy-reyting-2020/